Steering committee members:
Anne Jennings
INSTAAR, University of Colorado
Anne Jennings is a Research Scientist III and Fellow of the Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research (INSTAAR) at the University of Colorado, Boulder, USA. Her research is on Arctic paleoclimate and paleoceanography, ice-sheet/ocean interactions especially on the Greenland margins and in the Canadian Arctic.
Astrid Lyså (Chair)
Astrid Lyså is senior research scientist at the Quaternary geology group, Geological Survey of Norway. She is a glacial geologist working with glacial history and landscape development in the Arctic and glacial processes mainly in the terrestrial environment. Current research includes glacial history and environmental changes in mainland Norway, Svalbard and Jan Mayen.
Caterina Morigi
University of Pisa
Caterina Morigi is Associate Professor of Stratigraphy and Sedimentology at University of Pisa and Adjunct Senior Researcher at the Stratigraphy Department of the Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland. She is a marine geologist interested in climate and ocean changes in Arctic, Antarctic and subarctic environments, with a focus on micropaleontology (foraminifera). Current research deals with sedimentary records from the late Cenozoic to the last thousand years, with special attention to short-time climate variability.
Chris Stokes
Durham University
Chris Stokes is a Professor in the Department of Geography at Durham University. His research is focussed on glaciers, and ranges from the monitoring of small mountain glaciers over the last few decades to large-scale reconstructions of ice sheets over tens of thousands of years. A common theme of much of his work is the use of remote sensing (e.g. satellite imagery), which allows repeat monitoring of changes in present-day glaciers and provides an efficient means to visualise and investigate the landforms left behind by former ice sheets.
Ívar Örn Benediktsson
University of Iceland
Ívar Örn Benediktsson is a research scientist and adjunct professor in Quaternary and glacial geology at the University of Iceland with a main focus on the dynamics and geological fingerprints of fast-flowing glaciers, as well as on glacier and ice sheet reconstructions. Current and recent research areas are Iceland, Sweden and Siberia.
Juliane Müller
Alfred Wegner Institute
Juliane Müller is currently leading a Helmholtz Young Investigator Group at the Alfred Wegener Institute in Bremerhaven, Germany. She is a marine geoscientist with a strong background in paleoenvironmental reconstructions using biomarker lipids. Her major focusis on seaice reconstructions.
Laura Bronzo
University of Pisa, Italy
Laura Bronzo is a Phd student at the University of Pisa. Laura’s main interests are micropaleontology and marine microplastics. For her PhD project she collaborates with the National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology (INGV), and the National Institute of Oceanography and Sperimental Geophysics (INOGS), Italy. She is currently studying the marine calcareous nannofossil record of the last twenty thousand years of the Mediterranean and Arctic regions
Matt O’Regan
Stockholm University
Matt O’Regan is a Research Scientist at the Department of Geological Sciences, Stockholm University, who specializes in the marine geology and paleoceanography of the Arctic Ocean. His research aims at deciphering the Quaternary glacial history of the Arctic Ocean using marine sediment cores and geophysical data; analysing sedimentary records to understand the development and variability of sea ice in the geologic past; and deciphering how key tectonic events associated with the development of the Arctic Ocean are related to palaeoceanographic changes in the basin.
Monica Winsborrow
UiT– The Arctic University of Norway in Tromsø
Monica Winsborrow is a researcher at the University of Tromsø, and has a primary research interest is the reconstruction of past ice sheets, working to understand the processes and mechanisms that control their evolution and dynamics, and examining their environmental impacts. She is also the assistant director of the Centre for Arctic Gas Hydrate, Environment and Climate (CAGE).
Nicolaj Krog Larsen
Globe Institute, University of Copenhagen
Nicolaj Krog Larsen is a professor of terrestrial Quaternary geology at the Globe Institute, University of Copenhagen, Denmark. His research is focused on the Arctic ice- and climate history, glacial geomorphology and sedimentology, and Quaternary geology and stratigraphy in Fennoscandia.
Pertti Sarala
University of Oulu
Pertti Sarala is professor in geochemical exploration, which is a joint post of the Geological Survey of Finland and the Oulu Mining School. His research interests are in surficial geology and geochemistry in mineral exploration as well as in applied Quaternary geology and geochronology in glaciated terrain. His projects focus on advanced, low-impact geochemical exploration techniques for diminishing traces to the environment in the northern regions.
Witold Szczuciński
Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan
Dr hab. Witold Szczuciński is employed as a professor in Institute of Geology of Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan, Poland. His professional specialty covers sedimentology, geochemistry, and natural hazards, and my major scientific interests include quantitative studies of contemporary sedimentation processes, sedimentary record, and impacts of natural disasters (tsunami, meteorite impacts, floods, storms, glacier surges, landslides), applications of radioisotopes: 210Pb and 137Cs, and application of ancient DNA in geological studies. He conducts studies on land as well as offshore and his major study areas include Svalbard, Greenland, South China Sea, Andaman Sea, Thailand, Vietnam, Japan, Baltic Sea, Poland, Atlantic Ocean, and Antarctica.